2019 Fall Plan

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Plan for GAANN Fellowship Fall 2019


  • Attend teaching seminars (ITCS 8665)
  • Begin work on teaching philosophy
  • Begin experimenting with canvas sandbox
  • Begin work on personal website
    • Post all notes, teaching plans/theory, and GAANN related work to personal website
  • Attend CTL seminars (specifically the Poll Everywhere class)

During the fall semester my goal is to begin envisioning myself as a future professor. This means the beginning of the development of my teaching philosophy and the understanding of the initial skills/ideas needed to teach. What better place to start than with a teaching seminar? My hopes are that my school’s graduate teaching seminar (ITSC 8665) will help to build on these aforementioned fundamental ideas and skills (the plan is to take said seminar over the next few semesters). While the general teaching seminar is a good start I’d also like to expand the breadth of my knowledge regarding teaching on topics of my personal interest. This is where I’ve heard CTL (Center of Teaching and Learning) seminars could come in handy. From my understanding these seminars are targeted towards specific ideas or tools related to teaching. Thus, the more interesting topics that popup with the CTL seminars the more I plan to attend.

While learning about teaching and developing a philosophy are important I also need to begin learning some teaching tools, e.g. Canvas, that are required to maintain and develop a structured course. Lucky, Canvas has a sandbox mode where I can begin testing a developing a course of my own. I’d also like to begin developing my own personal website for professional reasons but also to use a secondary tool that students can utilize. The long term goal of all this is to , unsurprisingly, teach an undergraduate class by my sixth semester.