Fall Report

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Report for GAANN Fellowship Fall 2022


This semester I have taken a step back from being the primary instructor, thus I have acted as TA under Minwoo Lee for his DSBA 6156 course. I’m hoping that by no longer acting as the primary instructor I can dedicate more time to my dissertation research and better progress towards proposing .

Teaching DSBA 6156: Applied Machine Learning

With regards to my teaching assistantship, this semester I spent most of my time conducting typical TA duties of holding office hours, grading, and assisting students with lab assignments. Moreover, I helped refine some of the materials that I developed previously for this course. Particularly, the python introduction and labs on neural networks. Additionally, I helped review some of the labs Dr. Lee created. Finally, I helped to develope an auto-grader for automatically grading the labs.


Research wise I submitted my “Error-related Potential Variability: Exploring the Effects on Classification and Transferability” paper to SSCI which was accepted. As the conference is held in Singapore, I will sadly not be able to attend in person. However, I have record my talk which will be shown at the conference (video). While I am still working towards defending my proposal, this work will act as one contribution.

Additionally, I was brought on board to a new research project concerning continual RL. This paper was supposed to get submitted this semester however I uncovered some issues with the algorithm which lead to me having to completely reimplement the former PhD student’s work. Thus, work on this project will continue into the spring as the replication of the original results has not yet been possible.

Finally, I have begun collaboration with another PhD student at UNCC who is also interested in BCI. In particular we are looking at projection pursuit algorithms which he has helped developed. We are currently thinking how to properly combine his algorithm with BCI data that I have recorded for my SSCI paper.