Spring Report

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Report for GAANN Fellowship Spring 2023


For my final semester of the GAANN Fellowship I have continued to work as a TA under Minwoo Lee. However, this semester I am back to TAing for ITCS 6156 Intro to Machine Learning. In regards to research, work has continued for preparing my proposal defense and on my other research projects.

Teaching ITCS 6156: Intro to Machine Learning

With regards to teaching, my main duties for this semester were running the lab sessions, grading, holding office hours, refining labs, and refining programming assignments. One shocking thing I did notice this semester, unlike any semester I have taught or helped teach before, was that there were a surprisingly large number of cheaters this semester. In particular, many students were caught cheating by blatantly copying other students works. I believe there were upwards of 20 students that were caught cheating throughout the class. Thus, we had to take proper academic integrity actions.


In regards to research, I resubmitted my survey paper to a new journal Cell Patterns as it was rejected after revisions from ACM computing Surveys. The main reason for rejection was a disagreement on content that should be cut. Moreover, all my normal research and collaborations regarding interactive RL, BCI, and continual RL has continued. Sadly, it seems that the prior results which the continual RL research was based on are not able to be replicated. Thus, this paper will continue to be worked on throughout the year. Finally, due to my wide variety of TA tasks, I had much less time to work on research this semester. However, I am planing to propose this coming fall.